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Baník Ostrava vs Sigma Olomouc

Result Probability Baník Ostrava Probability of Qualifying for the Championship Group Sigma Olomouc Probability of Qualifying for the Relegation Group
Baník Ostrava 49.5% 95.3% 16.6%
Draw 25.3% 85.7% 10.3%
Sigma Olomouc 25.2% 74.7% 3.2%

Other Match Impacts

Match Impacts - Baník Ostrava

Result Probability Probability of Qualifying for the Championship Group Probability of Qualifying for the Play-off Probability of Qualifying for the Relegation Group
Baník Ostrava 49.5% 95.3% 4.7% 0.0%
Draw 25.3% 85.7% 14.2% 0.0%
Sigma Olomouc 25.2% 74.7% 24.9% 0.4%

Match Impacts - Sigma Olomouc

Result Probability Probability of Qualifying for the Championship Group Probability of Qualifying for the Play-off Probability of Qualifying for the Relegation Group
Baník Ostrava 49.5% 9.5% 73.7% 16.6%
Draw 25.3% 16.3% 73.3% 10.3%
Sigma Olomouc 25.2% 34.2% 62.4% 3.2%